LETT's after school programs are critical to youth and their families. After school hours are a peak time for juvenile crime and risky behavior. After school programs provide a safe, positive and healthy environment, help working families and inspire learning. Tennis provides a way to exercise, learn sportsmanship and teamwork and is the "hook" that motivates children to participate in other programs and activities.

​LETT offers summer tennis lessons for youth seven to eighteen years old. LETT instructors emphasize sportsmanship and teamwork, while helping players improve their basic skills. Additionally, as a chapter of the NJTL, instructors and volunteers assist players with writing essays for the annual USTA Arthur Ashe Essay Contest.

Academic Creative Engagement (ACE) is an extended learning program developed by the NJTL (National Junior Tennis and Learning) for 3rd - 5th graders that uses math, literacy and nutrition curriculum connected to the state and national standards and the sport of tennis. The curriculum is designed to support academic acheivement, health/wellness, and social/emotional skills. When combined with a tennis program it provides important developmental assets and reflects the ideals and principals of Arthur Ashe by giving children access to a safe, healthy and educational opportunity.

​Children who have participated in one or more of the LETT programs and wish to play tennis competitively are eligible to join the year round Excellence Program. Participants participate in Junior Team Tennis and/or tournaments to improve their playing skills.
The flex league offers players the chance to play singles, doubles, and/or mixed against players of similar ability and at times convenient to the players.
Proceeds from the Flex League support the LETT Program.
For more information visit www.birminghamflextennis.com.