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Improving Children's Lives through Tennis and Education

Since 1998, LETT has provided youth development programs in schools, after school and during the summer for thousands of Birmingham area youth. With tennis, we provide a great way to exercise, learn sportsmanship, teamwork and life skills that address issues such as nutrition, conflict resolution, cultural awareness, and self-respect.  


We are a community tennis association of the USTA (United States Tennis Association).  Recently, we were one of 20 NJTL (National Junior Tennis and Learning) chapters (out of 350) selected for the USTA Foundation’s Capacity Building Program, a three-year program designed to strengthen the organization on all levels.


To date this year, we have served over 800 students in our school, PE, after school, summer, ACE and Saturday tennis programs.


The mission of LETT (Learning Excellence Through Tennis) is to improve children’s lives through tennis and education by developing self-discipline and self-esteem, increasing positive social skills and improving physical fitness.


Tennis legend Arthur Ashe was one of the founders of the National Junior Tennis League, now known as National Junior Tennis and Learning (NJTL). As a chapter of NJTL, we strive to emulate the life and ideals Arthur Ashe who believed that “through tennis, lives can be changed and spirits reclaimed. The idea is to use tennis as a way to gain and hold the attention of young people so that we can teach them about matters more important than tennis.”


Currently, the LETT programs offer year round instruction and provides all equipment necessary - including the nets. We offer beginner-level tennis instruction all the way to USTA Youth Team Tennis competition. See our programs page for more information about our daily programming. 


To get involved in LETT, please contact us for participating locations in your community. Email us here


To find out daily information such as if programs are happening or where we are, follow  us  on  our  twitter or facebook  page.




LaVonda Keel


Vice President:

Shirley L. Hankins



Bob Poole



Celeste Grenier


Past President:

Joel Mulkin



Mark Barron

Kendell M. Jno-Finn

Margaret Lacey

Terrance Moultrie

Morgan Ryals Poole

Dudley Reynolds


Executive Director:

Suzy Harris, PTR


Program Director:

Jennifer Lyles Dowdle



   Leighann Morgan - Lead Instructor, Patrick Stevens, Ty Williams, Miranda Peterson, Abby Bell, Haley Pedigo, Meredith Perkins, Jenna Flowers, Adam Boggs,  Laura Williams, Mary Margaret Malatesta, Leslie Mitchell, Jenny Robb, Chris Carwie, Kelcie Dowling, Foster Laird, Billy Flowers, Jimmy Pham






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